Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Loving These Things..

Hello and welcome to my new blog.. Reasons for changing it.. my RSS feed was not working
properly and for the life of me I could not fix it. So I decided to start a new blog..
Angie Blom Designs Two... you will still get my old blog I will not take it down.. but for more current information I will be using this one..
So to start off my first post.. I want to share with you some of the things I LOVE..
water colouring.. gosh, I love it..
I love learning new techniques, I love water colour crayons the best..
here are some fun 3x4 cards I made up this weekend..
using my NeoColor II crayons , a fine tip water colour brush and water..
the paper I am using is by Canson the XL series
Cold Press Watercolor 140 lb.
I am liking it a lot it holds the water without bending the paper.

Well this is a constant LOVE of mine.. New Releases for Unity Stamp Company..
Last week we released quite of few of my images.. here are just 2 of the 4 released..

my other LOVES are the amazing apps I can get through my ipad..
for both these cards I used the Rhonna Designs App and created
my washi tape background and added the type..
Then some FUN stuff.. we are obsessed about fresh fruit Popsicles..
I had purchased some Popsicle molds from the mall .
We blended strawberries, raspberries, vanilla yogurt, water and a bit of apple juice
in the Ninja blender.. poured it through a fine strainer and poured it in the molds..
My girl just LOVES them.. and she is having fruit..
it is even okay if she wants it for breakfast..
My Handsome Boy..
 yes.. I love him..
 he is growing his hair..
 he has had a brush cut for 18 years..
He is trying something different and it looks gorgeous on him..

Selfies.. haha.. I LOVE SELFIES.. even if my hubby takes them cause
I am too short to get him in the photo.. see below.. I need to be a little taller..
This was taken on Instagram.. my other obsession.
New App.. well to me it is new..
it is called STUDIO design.. (#made with studio)  I love it..
some amazing designers creating beautiful layers that you can remix with your own photo's..
here is one I remixed .. don't you just love it.. go get this app.. you will not be disappointed.
Hope you come visit me often..

1 comment:

Jacob C said...

Awesome blog you have heere